Dead sources of traffic and why you shouldn’t use them in 2022

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In 2022 there are a variety of sources that can be excellent assets for generating leads on your offers. With that said, it’s important to take care when considering which traffic sources you choose to use. Remember that some sources might not have ‘real’ people. It is also possible that a source’s target audience might be different from that of your offers.

For example, if you choose to use a CAMS vertical, it is understandably forbidden to use creatives with children, rather you should use the creatives that would be appropriate for CAMS users and that would not interfere with the niche’s theme. If you prefer to use sweepstakes, it is forbidden to use the dating theme for a simple reason. The creatives would not fit the needs of the target audience, and therefore the traffic would not perform as successfully as intended.

Discover which traffic sources you need to use in 2022 and which sources you should avoid.

ROI vs. Reality

Affiliate marketing cases, where everything is perfect and no mistakes are made, appear on the Internet every day. ‘Just launch the advertisement, launch the campaign, and wait for delicious margins of ROI — 100%, 200%, even 300%.’ This is the most common promise made by most websites to attract their users. In reality, everything is not as perfect as we would like it to be. For instance, an ROI of as little as 50% from some sources could be considered a lucky charm ✨

‘Dead sources’ conversions: overview

There can be many reasons for why ‘dead’ sources struggle to convert as successfully as we’d like. Let’s examine the root of the problem:

  • Banner blindness. In other words, it is a one-size-fits-all advertisement that bores the audience to death, meaning they have no initiative to interact with it.
  • Strict moderation. It takes a lot of your time. Time which could be used for other projects. More time is spent on getting by the moderation than the actual advertising itself. Turnover and volumes in such conditions are inevitably too harsh and make it difficult to reach a desired result.
  • High competition. You have to make your way through many challenges in order to obtain the leads. In this case, the ads of competing teams spin off tens of thousands of dollars a day. They may have been working for a long time with a particular source, followed the trends, and are already very familiar with mechanisms to achieve the commission.
  • The development of ad-blocking services. Both in the native functionality of browsers and third-party software, applications, and plugins.

Dead sources used to generate leads are revealed!

There are several sources of traffic which, for one reason or another, over time have ceased to be (or never were) a “promising place to get leads”.

These are:

  • The classy ‘push’ ads
  • Resources poorly tuned for advertising and sales on the Internet include Twitter, Quora, Pinterest, and Bigo Live. They extract both paid and conditionally free traffic. In some cases, they even squeeze out a good profit.

In 2022, affiliate marketing and traffic arbitrage is rapidly evolving. New challenges and opportunities await marketers. Traffic never sleeps, and the industry is well known for adapting quickly. Affiliates who can adapt and grow with the industry will earn well even in times of difficulty, and Trafee will provide them with all the tools to do so.